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Selected Publications

Journal Paper

Li, C, Xu, W., Cohen T., & Pakhomov, S (2024). Useful blunders: Can automated speech recognition errors improve downstream dementia classification? Journal of Biomedical Informatics paper code

Li, C., Solinsky, J., Cohen T., & Pakhomov, S. (2024). A curious case of retrogenesis in language: Automated analysis of language patterns observed in dementia patients and young children. Neuroscience Informatics paper

Guo, Y., Li, C., Roan, C., Pakhomov, S., & Cohen, T. (2021). Crossing the “Cookie Theft” corpus chasm: applying what BERT learns from outside data to the ADReSS challenge dementia detection task. Frontiers in Computer Science, 3, 642517. paper

Conference Paper

Li, C., Xu, W., Cohen, T., Michalowski, M., & Pakhomov, S. (2023). TRESTLE: Toolkit for Reproducible Execution of Speech, Text and Language Experiments. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings, 2023, 360. [paper] [preprint] [code]

Li, C., Knopman, D., Xu, W., Cohen, T., & Pakhomov, S. (2022, May). GPT-D: Inducing Dementia-related Linguistic Anomalies by Deliberate Degradation of Artificial Neural Language Models. In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (pp. 1866-1877). [paper]] [code]]